Privacy Policy

1.1 ZippyShark respects and acknowledges the importance of privacy. ZippyShark complies with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) as contained within the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act), when collecting, using, disclosing and managing your personal information.

1.2 This Privacy Policy contains information in relation to our management of your personal information in accordance with the APP.

1.3 For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act.

  1. Collection of personal information

2.1 ZippyShark collects personal information through a variety of methods, which may include the following:

(a) directly from you; (b) through your access and use of ZippyShark’s website; (c) through your access and use of ZippyShark’s software or other platforms commissioned by ZippyShark for the sale of goods; (d) through your access of surveys commissioned by ZippyShark; (e) when you subscribe to receive information from ZippyShark; (f) when you communicate with ZippyShark, by email, post or otherwise; (g) through publicly available information; (h) financing providers with which ZippyShark offer financing for purchases, and financial service providers used when processing your payments; or (i) through a social media account(s) which you use to create or log into ZippyShark’s website.

2.2 In the event that ZippyShark is unable to obtain personal information from you as outlined above, this may result in ZippyShark being unable to provide you with access to the website (including any updates) or marketing material.

  1. Use of personal information

3.1 ZippyShark may collect and use your personal information for a variety of reasons, which may include but is not limited to the following:

(a) to process any order you request from ZippyShark; ... (z) ZippyShark’s business development, including sending of updates and publications; ... (cc) auditing and managing the use of ZippyShark’s website; or (dd) in order for ZippyShark to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

3.2 You may withdraw your consent to receive marketing materials from ZippyShark by using the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the footer of our emails, or by contacting us.

  1. Types of personal information and storage ...

(i) any other information provided by you in using ZippyShark's websites; and ...

4.2 The personal information referred to in clause 4.1 above may be held by ZippyShark in both hardcopy files and also in an electronic form.

  1. Disclosure of personal information

5.1 ZippyShark may be required to disclose your personal information to the following third parties in order to provide you with access to the website, services or to process your orders from the website: ... (h) organisations and/or individuals that ZippyShark intends on entering negotiations with for any merger, sale of assets, financing, acquisition of all or a part of ZippyShark’s business; or ...

5.5 Where the Act permits, ZippyShark may also disclose personal information to third party suppliers and service providers located overseas for some of the purposes listed above.

  1. Cross-border disclosure of personal information

6.1 ZippyShark may, from time to time, have affiliated offices operating in overseas jurisdictions... ... 6.3 Before ZippyShark discloses personal information about you to an overseas recipient who is not a related entity of ZippyShark, ZippyShark will take such steps as reasonably required...

  1. Cookies

7.1 Cookies are used by ZippyShark in order to maximise and enhance your experience in accessing the website. ...

7.3 You are free to decline the cookies in which ZippyShark utilises and can disable them through your web browser.

  1. Protection of personal information

8.1 ZippyShark will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is properly protected from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

  1. Access to Privacy Policy

9.1 This Privacy Policy is publicly available, free of charge through ZippyShark’s website.

  1. Change to Privacy Policy

10.1 This Privacy Policy may change from time to time as required by ZippyShark in order to reflect legislative and other changes. These changes will be notified to you, by being published on the website.

  1. Accessing and requesting correction of Personal Information

11.1 To access, seek or request personal information that ZippyShark holds about you, please contact us. ... 11.4 ZippyShark reserves the right to make an administrative charge to you if it is required, to provide you with access to personal information as outlined in clauses 11.1 and 11.2 above.

  1. Resolving your concerns

12.1 If you wish to make a complaint regarding that way in which ZippyShark manages your personal information, or if you feel that ZippyShark has fallen short of the required standards set by the Act, please prepare your complaint in writing and submit it.

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